My Story
For those taking the time to read this bio, thank you. Writing about yourself is difficult—I much prefer to get to know people in person, in the studio, and on the mat. However, some of you might have heard about me by word of mouth or stumbled upon my studio via an internet search, so I’d like to take some time to introduce myself.
While I’ve always been the type of person who enjoyed mental and physical challenges, my life took a fundamental detour in 2014. After my motorcycle accident, I turned to yoga as a main practice because the traditional forms of activity and exercise became unavailable to me. I needed a different pace, a more gradual flow, to help reconnect with my body. But I recognized that the type of yoga being taught in the US was only part of the rich, thousands-year tradition; so I decided to go to India and study Hatha, Ashtanga, and Aerial yoga along the banks of the Ganges River with the Arohan Yoga team.
What I learned and grew in was a practice that was truly holistic and touched every part of my life: how states of mind can impact the body, how the body (and what you put in it) can influence your sense of well-being, how what is grown on the land can not only reenergize us but connect us to the earth, how a focused approach to work can reap bountiful dividends, how the centeredness of the spirit can be the anchor that grounds you in the midst of life’s storms.
From my time in India and the years of teaching and practicing in between, I’ve felt joy and success in being able to pull from my life’s experiences—in and out of the ashram—to help the people around me grow and flourish. Yoga is an integral part, of course, but so is mindfulness, and connection, and relationship.
Ultimately, I want each person—whether in business, on the farm, or in class—to leave feeling more in-tune with their bodies, hearts, and minds; whether that means celebrating in newer flexibility, turning off an overactive brain for an hour, discovering the rich revitalization of eating nutrient-dense, locally grown food, realizing a new approach to put your business’ products in front of the people who need them, or feeling a greater sense of spiritual peace. As we flow through this life, let’s take a breath and a moment to recognize how we grow together.
Thank you for your time and hope to see you soon!